This is a topic that I want to possibly cover in my project three. It explores how language is a huge force field that often acts as a separation between the Collas and Cambas.
Cunumis are the minority but I still believe they are relevant enough to mention. In Bolivia, La Paz and Santa Cruz are the two biggest cities that make up the country. But although that share that similarity the culture is very different from one another. The hostility that people from these two cities share are rooted from racism and segregation. The way this anger against each other is often portrayed is by words of Colla and Camba (and sometimes cunumi). Paceños, people born in La Paz, are referred to as collas and Cruzeños people born in Santa Cruz are called Cambas. The word colla is used as a derogatory phrase and it offends Paceños. These two words have defined a fine line of racism and the segregation of different groups and how they are treated.
On the other hand, a cunumi isn't an ethnicity or race. It is the racism that falls when people aren't Spanish white but instead they're a brown shade of latino. They are seem as lesser than Camba.
What about Quechua? :)